My favorite technological device

My favorite technological devices is a needle and a loom. In a lot of cultures, the works to mean the use of this technological devices is very important because in a textile work they put in the most symbolical word view. In the past, the precolonial people of south america they did  not have writing and all his cultural inheritance it was put on a textile piece. The needle and the loom its become a sacred object because the are so important for the culture and religion stuff because represent the past and the future, the goodness and evil, the place you live and even you social status (even now its like that).  The use of this two devices means everything for they, and for mi now 😀, is fascinating!! 

There is a example for Paracas funeral robes ⇨⇨⇨⇨Mantos-Funerarios-de-Paracas

This beautifully made robes its made with a loom and a needle (and another things), but the most important is the symbolic act to use them.  

This year i learn to make mi first textile, so i understand the process an the hypnotic to become made it for me. Right now i use a lot because i in a textile central specialty.

Mapuche's people calls "Witral" to they loom.


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