A career-related website / an expert on your field

The most important websites i used is mostly for information or inspiration. I don't have so many favorites websites now, but i have a some interesting pages about design and artist around the world.  Before use Instagram, I visit many websites, but now they are just in a forget bookmark inside mi computer 😥. The principal reason of that, is because now i follow the pages in Instagram and I just get the complete content in there. 

Anyway, this websites still keep in my forget bookmark because they remember me there is so much more information besides Instagram, Facebook or anthers social media applications.

 1-. I love this page for art. the cool hunter - ART
 2-. This websites it is for see magazines in a digital version. ISSUU - Spotlight Mag 
 3-. Soundcloud is for listen music for free, without publicity and interruptions 😏. https://soundcloud.com/ 
 4-. Now if you like the fashion you will feel like Anna Wintour for a second and judge the outfit for people. lookbook


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